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Per Impossibilia ad Possibilia

This is our motto since 2021 when our adventure started

DI-VA: Pioneering Excellence in Drying Technology and Engineering

DI-VA stands as a beacon of innovation and expertise in the world of construction, engineering, and drying technologies. With a rich history and a forward-thinking approach, DI-VA has established itself as a leader in delivering efficient and cutting-edge solutions across various industries.

Two Decades of Unmatched Expertise

Boasting over 23 years of experience, DI-VA has become synonymous with excellence in the drying technology sector. This journey of over two decades is marked by a continuous evolution and adaptation, enabling DI-VA to offer unique insights and innovative solutions. The company's deep understanding of diverse industry needs has positioned it as a trailblazer in creating efficient and advanced drying processes.

Portfolio of Installed Plants

Since 2000, DI-VA, initially under CRSI, then SIE-SWISS, and now as DI-VA, has successfully installed more than 200 plants. This impressive number underscores DI-VA's capability and reliability in the field. Serving sectors ranging from agriculture, food, and pharma to waste management and chemicals, DI-VA's portfolio reflects its versatility and commitment to addressing various industrial challenges.